Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A Quick Update!

We are still here! Over a month since anything was posted? We are just busy! Working and the
garden /yard, produce, freezing, canning, stocking up on the food storage, Working on LauraLee and Benji's house getting it ready to sell. Tom began Landmark coaching Introduction Leaders.
The waterfall was completed, then it sprung a leak again I guess. What next? I am not patiently waiting to put this house on the market! I was ready a year ago! It will happen when it happens!
Katy was here for almost a week! My gosh, 11 going on 17! She is tall and gorgeous and does not look 11 years old to me! We went shopping and made some projects and watched movies and Katy texted her friends almost continuously! Whoa! Very fast fingers!
Richard is back from Virginia Beach. Tom drove with him in a marathon drive. Tom really enjoyed that! Richard moved into student apts near campus and is going to USU full time.

Fall is here! Today was a very pretty fall day....rich colors, sunny but chilly, sweater weather...my favorite.

Scott and Nicole are pregnant!!! Hooray a roo! Finally a sib for Kennedy K! Jon and Jaime also expecting, their # 3 kidlet. Hooray for grandkids!


The Olsens said...

Scott is not pregnant. Just Nicole. It turned out it was just gas for Scott

Ashley A. said...

Hahaha I love the previous comment. Good to hear see a new post Lorna. Keep us updated on the house issue.