Monday, April 27, 2009

OK OK OK I am a slouch!! But ..... I waited to post about the lil Atkinder in Nov to post pix, left my camera at Lori's (a regular event) Same for Thanksgiving and birthday and Christmas etc etc Same for gathering in Mar for our sealing, except Mandy took all the pix, loaded to Mobile me and then deleted! 500 pictures of our kids and grandkids, sis bros grammas friends etc deleted! (I can get them off her mobile me but I need the password again, Mandy!)
Ok those are all excuses, yea but,...... Its Spring in my yard finally!
The new batch of babies are arriving. Jaime was first with little Todd, Nicole is coming in >4 wks, then Regina in July. When they arrive it makes 18 grandkids! WOW, we are still so very young! Pipe down kids!!
Ok So I will try to be more diligent! But you have me facebooking, iphoning and all the rest of the stuff ! I do love it all! I need Katy and Kennedy to tutor gramma in the tech stuff!

1 comment:

Joseph A said...

Hey, good to hear from you again! Hope you're having (had?) fun back east.